Friday, May 4, 2012

Searching for: Updated list!

Though I am always on the look out for various plants.  I am hoping to find the following plants:


any Sarracennias

kerrii (variegated)
macgillivrayi Perfecta
p. Black Dragon
p. Philipine Black
carnosa 'Grey Ghost'
bella variegated
darwinii (dark form)

'Frosted Flame'
francoisii crassicaulis rubrifolia

 Other Cactus / Succulents:
Ammocharis corranica

Orchis italica
Dendrobium draconis
Gongora quinquenervis
Miltonia spectabilis
Dendrobium  Peng Seng
Cattleya leopoldii 'Dark Blood'
Trichopilia tortilis
Howeara Lava Burst 'Puanani' AM/AOS 
Mormodia Lime Tiger 'St. Augustine' AM/AOS
Odontocidium Sunlight 'Pacific Punch' 
 Wilsonaria Aloha Sparks 'Ruby Eyes'
Wilsonaria Pacific Perspective 'Pacific Heat'

Stapelia & Stapeliads:
Stapelia acuminata
Stapelia cedrimontana
Stapelia paniculata
Stapelia variegata
Stapelia schinzii v. angolensis
Stapelia leendertzia
Stapelia grandiflora
Huernia occulta
Huernia longi
Huernia saudiarabica
Caralluma diffusa
Desmidorchis retrospiciens
Orbea woodi
Huerniopsis decipiens
Pseudolithos dodsoniana
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum

'Texas Rainbow'
Aeschynanthus (black calyx)


Pearl Drops
Pearl Passion
Toy Silver

I am also into growing Jovibarba, Semperviums, and Escheverias etc.....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Me and Plants

For well over 35 years, I have been growing an interesting variety of plants, both in & outdoors. As this blog develops, my goal is to make this an informative place to visit, from doing crosses to culture of various genus. At one point, I had well over 400 houseplants, mostly orchids,  not including at least an additional 300+ in the yard.  I was spending my days off work, taking care of plants, I had no time for anything else. Not to mention I work in the Nursery trade. I took time off from my personal growing, selling or letting some plants perish (which I deeply regret). I knew I couldn't stay away forever and would find myself growing again.
I have a passion for crossing plants and using them as models in my art. These are the plants that I am currently growing indoors, whether on windowsills, lighted stands or in a VERY small greenhouse.
I also will continously update this lists for losses and new additions, instead of keep posting new lists. Its easier for me to keep track.
***January 2015 update***  Due to an injury that had been life altering, I am unable to garden and it has been a hard thing to deal with. My husband had been caring for the yard since and his passion for Rose of Sharon seedlings that have migrated from my neighbors yard has pretty much proliferated.  I have trimmed down my houseplant collection considerably. I will still do plant trades or root a few cuttings if getting a trade for a desired Hoya. Email me. I am no longer active in gardening forums or perennial plant trades due to chronic pain. 



Nematanthus 'Black Magic' (actual grex from the hybridizer)


Pink Acajou
Dorys Golden Glitter *mine*
Pink Gator
Cotton Candy


Aloe jucunda
Aloe 'Baby Boy Blue'
Aloe zanzibarica 'Voodoo Aloe'
Aloe aristata 'Lace Aloe'
Aloe 'Midnight'
Aloe 'Pink Blush'
Aloe 'Blue Elf'
Aloe 'Green Ice'
Aloe variegata ' Partridge Breast Aloe'
Euphorbia trigona 'Royal Red'
Euphorbia tirucalli 'Fire Sticks'
Euphorbia lactea cristata variegata
Euphorbia millii Grandiflora
Euphorbia decaryii
Euphorbia anoplia
Euphorbia neohumbertii "blue leaf"
Euphorbia aeruginosa
Echeveria 'Chroma'
Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg
Echeveria 'Neon Breakers'
Mammilaria fragilis (Thimble Cactus)
Notocactus magnificus (Balloon Cactus)
Tephrocactus articulatus (Paper Spine Cactus)
Stenocereus pruinosus 'Gray Ghost Organ Pipe'
Graptopetalum paraguayense 'Ghost Plant'
Sedum adolphii 'Golden Sedum'
Kalanchoe luciae "Flapjack"
Agave neomexicana   
Gasteria liliputana
Gasteria caespitosa
Gasteria ernstraudii
Parodia miscrosperma 'Herzogii'
Ferocactus latispinus
Rhipsalis ewaldiana
Rhipsalis elliptica
Rhipsalis salicornioides ( Dancing Bones Cactus aka Drunkards Dream)
Rhipsalis pachyptera
Rhipsalis 'Red Thread'
Rhipsalis NOID
Gymnocalycium spegazzinnii
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii v friedrichii
Copiapoa domeykoensis
Ceropegia woodii
Ceropegia woodii variegata
Ceropegia stapeliaformis ssp. serpentina
Hawthoria cuspidata
Hawthoria attenuata fasiata
Epiphyllum 'First Prom'
Cereus montrose
Adenium obesum
Adenium obesum 'Black Window'
Aporocactus  'Rat Tail Cactus'
Dorstenia foetida
Selenicereus anthonyanus (Ric Rac Cactus)
Stapelia gigantea
Huernia procumbens'


Hoya wayetii
Hoya carnosa
Hoya carnosa 'variegated cv. Rubra '
Hoya pubicalyx cv 'Silver Pink'
Hoya pubicalyx 'Red Buttons'
Hoya curtisii
Hoya kerrii
Hoya obovata
Hoya publicalyx 'Royal Hawaiian Purple' a.k.a. 'Çhimaera' aka 'Philipine Black'
Hoya lauterbachii
Hoya buotii [Frosted Hoya]
Hoya macrophylla
Hoya bilobata
Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush'
Hoya lacunosa
Hoya clandestina
Hoya archboldiana
Hoya publicalyx
Hoya fungii


Psychopis 'Kahlihi'
Psychopsis Mendenhall 'Hildos' FCC/AOS
Ludisia discolor
Dendrobium kingianum
Phalaenopsis NO ID

Odontonia Pacific Paranoia 'Otherside of Cool'
Monnierara Millenium Magic 'Witchcraft' AM/AOS
Tolumnia 'Genting Volcano'
Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' AM/AOS

***Tropicals and various house plants***

Maranta leucoreura kerchoveana
Philodendron scandens Mediopictum
Michelia figo (Banana Shrub)

***Trees / Shrubs***

Hamamelis x intermedia 'Feuerzauber' (Witch Hazel 'Fire Charm')
macrophylla 'Lady in Red'
macrophylla 'Mariesii Variegata'
paniculata 'Little Lamb' PW
paniculata 'Quick Fire' PW
paniculata 'Pinky Winky' PW
macrophylla 'Midnight Salsa'
macrophylla 'Nikko Blue'

Sambus nigra 'Black Lace' (Elderberry)
Callicarpa americana 'Welsh's Pink'(American beautyberry)
Barberry 'Rosy Glow'
Prunus cerasus 'Montmorency' (Cherry)
Buttercup WinterHazel

***Azalea & Rhododendron***

Girard's Scarlet
Girard's Crimson
Encore ''



***Perennials / Bulbs***

Dracunculus vulgaris ( Vampire Lily or Dragon Arum)
Black Mondo Grass
Jack in the Pulpit
Golden Seal
Trillium recurvatum (Bloody Butcher)
Aconitum carmichaelii (Monkshood)
Jewel Weed
Arum italicum
Japanese Painted Fern
Brunnera 'Jack Frost'
Euphorbia amygdaloides f. purpurata [Wood Spurge]
Houttuynia cordata  'Chameleon'
Tovara 'Painters Palette'
Sedum spurium

I have so many, it will take awhile to get them listed.


Alligator Shoes
Orange Marmalade
Ghost Spirit
Blue Flame
Color Glory

still have to list all of them.....


Color Beauty
Bridal Veil


 ( so upset that my Midnight Rose disappeared)
Chocolate Veil
Amethyst Mist
Green Spice
Palace Purple
Dolce peach melba
Dolce licorice
Ebony and ivory
Stormy seas
Velvet night
Montrose ruby
Amber waves
Ginger ale
Color beauty
Key lime pie
Dolce mocha mint

***Hemerocallis / Daylily***

Jamaican Midnight
Nebuchadnezzers Furnace
Spacecoast Starburst
Tears of Love
Edge of Night
Sparkling Orange
Smith Brothers
American Revolution
Ancient Reflections


(Lots to list-will update asap)