Thursday, April 25, 2013

Seeds to sow!

I just picked up some seeds online and look forward to sowing them. I am trying:
Aloe polyphylla
mixed Stapelia
Euphorbia obesa
Euphorbia enopla
I will be keeping track in this post.

Stapeliads aka the Carrion Star Flower

A new passion for me. ...STAPELIADS, aka stinky plants that are pollinated by flies. I have grown
Dracunculus vulgaris for years, apologies to my next door neighbor. I love the form and flowers of these awesome succulents from South Africa. Such a cool looking plant that grows quite well in containers, I love them in plain clay pots. I recommend a visit to the following link!
Stapeliad Photo Gallery
for more info on this awesome family:  Wikipedia: Stapelia
There are more than a hundred species of this member of the milkweed family. The velvety gray green stems are low growing, branch upward and resemble cactus. They are shallow rooted and and need to dry a bit between waterings. They need bright light but will burn in full sun.