Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cactus Seed Sown

I had sown 2 packs of Cactus seed on my favorite planting mix. The seed was the Ferry Morse mix which contains Saguaro, Hedgehog, Fishhook, Barrel, Dollar, Prickly Pear, Desert Prickly Pear, Christmas Cholla, Cane Cholla, Santa Rita Pear & Cardo'n.
3/9 : Most of these seeds have germinated. The seeds on the lighted stand are robust and looks like all or most have germinated. The few seeds I have sown that are on the window sill are germinating and growing at a slower rate. Today I sowed Stenocactus seed mix. I never tried growing brain cactus prior so if these germinate, it will be fun seeing what I get.